What is an Aura?
Your Aura, along with your chakras, is a part of your energy system. As a spiritual being, you are much bigger than your physical body. Your spiritual self doesn’t fit into human form and for good reasons. Your Aura is the part of your energetic self that surrounds your body, giving off vibrations and colors reflecting your history, emotions, and wellness.
The term Biofield can be used interchangeably with Aura.
The biofield is more commonly used in scientific studies since there is now scientific evidence of the human aura.

What Does Your Aura Do?
Your aura picks up on the vibrations and information emanating from all things to signal you to your surroundings. For example, ever walked into a room and had a bad feeling about someone in it? That’s your subtle body picking up information and transmuting it into what you sensed when you walked in.
We do not dismiss these gut feelings or intuitive messages when our energy flow is good. Instead, we pay attention to what we are sensing and act accordingly.
Acknowledging the aura is essential in holistic wellness because it is one of the places we learn that sometimes the emotions we are experiencing are not our own but those of the people around us. They can also be fragments of energy absorbed in our aura by other people, places, or situations. Learning to understand the difference can be empowering as we begin a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Sometimes our auras get cluttered with these fragments, our life experiences, and thoughts we hold on to (or ignore )instead of working through.
Tuning forks are a modality used to help declutter and release these absorbed energies.
In Tune With Fork History
Tuning forks came along in the 1700s, with the first recorded use for sound healing in the 1960s by Sir Peter Guy Manners. Until this time, they were used for music, tuning instruments, and as diagnostic tools for otology. However, Manners believed comfort and healing could be found in their vibration.
This belief comes partly from an extensive line of people who have studied sound and its effects on living things. It has long been recognized to have healing effects on the body, mind, and soul.
Two effects of sound: Resonance and Entrainment.
Resonance is the embodying of vibration and amplifying it.
Take a moment to remember a concert you’ve been to. You are standing in the audience, and the band starts playing. You can feel the beat of the drum and bass guitar in your chest. People start moving almost in unison to the moment. The singer steps up to the mic belting out a few words before being taken over by the sound of the crowd singing the song.
Now, you are dancing and singing the lyrics with the people around you doing the same. You’re resonating: embodying that beat, those lyrics, and amplifying it.
You are also entrained in the song by moving in unison with the crowd.

Entrainment is a vibration changing another vibration into sync with it. Dutch physicist Christian Huygens discovered this in the 17th century. The inventor of the grandfather clock, Huygen, set the pendulums of his clocks in motion one day. When he left, they were all swinging at different times. When he returned the next day, they were all in sync with the largest clock.
With tuning forks, much like the concert, your body, energy, and mind resonate with the vibrations. Negative words, dis-ease, traumatic life experiences, thoughts and memories are vibrations that we hold on to in our physical body, chakras, and aura. So when your body resonates with the tuning fork, entrainment releases the vibrations we have been holding on to by changing them into sync with the tuning fork.

Occasionally, in my Reiki/healing sessions, I use tuning forks. Lower frequencies change the tone of the fork, and I can hear the change in the fork and feel a “sticky” area. We will discuss what area of the aura it is located in and release the hold, allowing your energy bodies to entrain to the higher vibration.
Ways to Clear Your Aura
- Setting an intention in the shower that you are not only washing your physical body but your aura as well.
- Smudging. Burn a bundle of sage and encircle your body with the smoke from head to toe while setting the intention that the smoke is clearing your aura.