Meet your Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is one of your seven primary energy centers. It is located just below your navel and often holds discordant energy.
Here is a quick reference on the basics of your Sacral chakra:

Up and down your spinal column, you have yin and yang energy that spirals around each other, intersecting at vortex centers called chakras.
This primary chakra energy is central to your natural harmonic flow that radiates into the physical body, providing healthy vibrations and keeping us in homeostasis (balance).
How does the Sacral Chakra become discordant?
Intentional low vibe energy:
This is your belly area—the number one most hated body part. Every day, the amount of disappointment and hate energy sent to this area of the body leaves it struggling to maintain balance.
When you grab your belly and say, “I’m fat,” or say some other statement that is negative towards this part of your body (or any part of your body or Self), you are intentionally polluting this harmonic energy with low vibrations.
Imagine throwing wrenches into gears. Eventually, they wedge in there, and the whole motor jams up. The wrenches are the thoughts. The gears are the chakras, and the motor is your physical body.
Learned behaviors and social pressures can cause us to repress the energies of this chakra.
For example, the energy of expression of self. As young children, we learn to behave: be still (no physical expression), be quiet (no vocal expression – your voice isn’t important), and wear clothes a certain way (no creative expression).
Another energy of the sacral chakra is the expression of emotion. Showing emotions publicly, especially sadness, has often been labeled a sign of weakness.
We also repress other sacral energies like self-worth, sexual expression, and discipline.

Discordant Flow:
Along with the intentional low vibes, social pressures, and repression of Self, there is your negative narrative. This discordant energy comes in the form of overthinking and worry, anxiety and fear.
These mental narratives spin energy out to the right and left side of your head. They get loud and noisy, constantly taking mental energy and making it hard to hear messages from your body, spirit and The Divine.
If not addressed here, these mental narratives, spiral into emotional forms like frustration, anger, resentment, guilt, and shame. This pulls the sacral chakra energy to the left and right sides of the body in the area of the hips and lower back.
Please refer back to the Sacral Charka chart for other parts of the physical body that can be affected (but not limited to).
Your Inner Child:
A vital part of your Sacral chakra is your inner child.
Your inner child is that playful, carefree, imaginative fun part of you that primarily resides in your Sacral Chakra.
Often, in energy work, I find them hiding, timid, sad, or pouting. Not only have they been criticized by your negative narrative, they are off balance from childhood traumas, learned behaviors, repression, etc. Your inner child wants to express them and set them free.
How the Discordant Sacral Chakra Expresses itself:
Emotions, to me, are neither good nor bad. They are signals of areas we need to explore, heal and enjoy. They follow the spiraling energy lines to course through your body, flow into vortexes and spiral out of you. Discord comes from stopping this process through suppression, fear, anxiety, disappointment, frustration, anger, guilt, and shame.
Here are a few of the ways the Sacral chakra is signaling you it is unbalanced:
- Fear of pleasure
- Lack of creativity
- Fatigue
- Lack of desire
- Insecurity
- Detachment
- Low libido
- Depression
- Chronic lower back pain
- Arthritis
- Genital or sexual problems
- Hip issues
- Low energy
- Spleen and kidney issues
Creating Harmony

Harmony comes by removing the tones and vibrations that block you from being your true self. This begins with exploring the list above and taking a closer look at the ones that resonate with you.
When did you first feel that way?
What situations do you find yourself in that flare up these issues?
What parts of you do you not express?
It is not the most comfortable work, but I’m here to help you with your healing journey. Not help you continue to avoid the things that are holding you back.
The imbalance did not happen overnight. Be patient with yourself. Be patient with your inner child. It takes time to rebuild trust.
Send positive thoughts to your belly. Love its size and shape. It is a part of you. Love yourself.
Wear orange! Eat orange fruits and vegetables.
Make a list of ways you’d like to express yourself and your creativity.
I also suggest purchasing my Sacral Chakra Sound Bath. It a good way to find some of the answers to the questions above. Simply put on good headphones and sit or lay down somewhere and set the intention to learn ways to heal your sacral chakra.
There are also Sacral Chakra Journal Prompts available for download for a seven-day journey with your Sacral Chakra.
Book a session with to jump start your Sacral Chakra through the services I offer.