Values Within Me

Part of my healing journey is to express parts of myself that I hide close to my heart out of fear of vulnerability. To step through this fear, I would like to share how some of my core values came to be and my decision to work with energy.

The Values in a Mantra

So, from the time I was in first grade until I moved out of my parent’s house, a plaque hung on my door. It was a picture of two small people and a dog standing in the rain, one person sharing their umbrella with the other and the dog. Beneath it, it read, “Don’t wait for others to be friendly; show them how.” 

Seeing this plaque daily, as I retreated to my room after a tough day at school, feeling exhausted from trying to fit in and navigating a sensitivity I didn’t understand, motivated me to keep going. In other words, I felt a strong resonance to be kind even though many people weren’t. 

This was my first mantra.

The Values in Family

Right next door to my room was my oldest brother, Charlie, a true example of kindness.  He was born with Down syndrome, exposing me to how cruel people can be. These people taught me how incredibly valuable the people that surrounded, loved, and supported Charlie were.

I knew I wanted to be like the people who loved my brother: honest, supportive, inclusive, kind believers. Companionate people championing a cause to make the world a better place.  Charlie has kept me facing my true north while being tossed on the tumultuous seas of my life. Because of him, my heart has not hardened. 


Witnessing my parents standing up for Charlie and his rights, their willingness to serve in volunteer capacities to raise awareness, opportunities, and funds for people with intellectual disabilities humbled me and shaped my values early in my life. 

I wanted to help people. 

The Values in Finding My Purpose

And through the years, from strangers on the street, volunteer positions, and careers, I have done that.  Looking back, it lines up like a divine plan to guide me to where I am today. 

For example, within a month of moving to the country in 2012, I became a volunteer firefighter.

My first medical call as a volunteer was late one night for a one-vehicle rollover. It was the catalyst for my career as a Paramedic. Comforting and helping a man in the ditch after being ejected from his vehicle, I knew this was how I wanted to continue helping people.  


About seven years into this career, I experienced Reiki for the first time, and a new level of understanding began. As I lay on that table, it was undeniable that I was to learn and share a more spiritual and energetic way of healing. It was a missing piece to my purpose.

Becoming a paramedic allowed me to help in incredible ways.  I witnessed miracles and tragedy.  It gave me many years of experience in the medical field, learning and understanding the physical body. 

Working in EMS
No injuries!

It didn’t allow me to empower people in their healing: to help them thrive. I was in a uniform that prevented me from showing people how amazing they were and helping them face the things that were causing them to call for an emergency in the first place. It didn’t incorporate the spiritual link in care that heals the whole of a person, not just the physical body. 

The more I learned, the more I wanted to help more holistically.  The deeper I went, the more I found parts of my energetic self that needed healing. It was exciting and scary to rediscover parts of myself with healing techniques dating back thousands of years.

My diet changed, my spiritual outlook changed, my heart reignited, and my true self emerged. I felt grounded, safe, and happy. 

Leading with My Heart

I reached a tipping point almost a year into this transformation. It was time to choose: continue to struggle with finding a balance between EMS and energy sessions with clients or take a leap of faith and step fully into what my heart was leading me to do.

There were a lot of signs showing me the direction to go, but my fear was holding me back.

I realized that if I couldn’t walk through my fear, how could I help others walk through theirs?  I knew if I wanted to be a healer, I needed to surrender my ego. That is, ignore my restrictive narrative and follow what my heart told me. 

And I did.

Sound bath on the beach

The other side of fear is opportunity. As a result of stepping through my fear, my life and heart have soared since I committed to fully focusing on energy healing.  

My purpose is to guide you through your transformation when you are ready. When the words resonate with you and the thoughts to come to see me keep popping in, get in touch with me. This empowerment may be the missing piece you’ve been looking for (the universe told me to tell you that).